Monday, December 8, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

Sorry for not posting anything in a while, I've just been busy busy busy trying to finish up my Christmas shopping ;)
I have a number of new Zentai photo ideas on the books for the coming year as well as many new T-Shirt designs for my online shops at Zazzle, Cafe Press and Printfection and some new 3D models also in the works for Turbosquid which I was hoping to have up before Christmas :( Oh well, there is only so much I can do in a day ;)

I haven't taken too many pictures when I've gone out running in the mornings either, too cold, lol plus I just haven't really seen anything photo worthy, I'm probably just not looking though ;)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Getting into the Swing of Winter

Sorry for not posting anything for a while, I've been busy cranking out lots of artwork lately. Also been trying to get into the swing/mood for winter, lol which I just have NOT been in the mood for. Early winter kind of puts me in a "Blah" sort of mood, feeling lazy, sleeping in late, that sort of thing. I was still very much in a enjoying the end of summer and Fall sort of mood, winter again slammed on us in one day! Right after a couple of days of some light freezing rain to boot. With that making for dangerously slippery side walks, running and walking is something one does very carefully on that type of surface. Almost slipped a few times. For the most part the river trail is OK but there are a few patches like underneath the St. Boniface Bridge that are just pure ice... lol Nasty!! Y' have to walk around those unless you feel like going for a good skate. ;)

I watched Supernatural this weekend and laughed my ass off so hard when the Teddy Bear blew the stuffing out of his head... I just had to make a design of that for T-shirts, coffee mugs etc.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

November Run Part 2

This part two of my very strange run this morning, toward the end of this I ran super fast down the gravel trail that runs along the river and connects Waterfront to the end of Anabella street, and I mean RAN!! I don't think I've run that fast since highschool! WTF is going on here? Where did all the excess energy come from???

November Run Part 1

This part one of a very strange November 1st morning run, just overflowing with energy this morning for some unknown reason. All I had for breakfast was a small Grapefruit with two tea spoons of sugar and coffee with no sugar. I just can't account for the over abundance of energy. Strange!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bike Ride Today

Well today looks like it might actually be nice weather today, very similar to yesterday. I expect we're in for very few left like this as I notice in the mornings the puddles are iced over.
After the mail had arrived I went out for a walk to one of my favorite coffee houses called "the Mondragon" located in the Exchange district yesterday afternoon, after coffee and a really nice slice of their Chocolate, Peanut Butter Cheesecake I figured I'd take a walk to the Forks Market to pick up some bread before heading home. As I was walking I thought to myself, "What a really nice day... I should have gone for a bike ride if i had known it was going to be this nice out!"
Well today looks like it's going to be the same way, nice and sunny, not too cold, no rain and all my favorite trails will be nice and dry from having a good few days without rain. So I'll probably go for a run first, take a shower and then after mail has arrived go out for a bike ride. Lol that should work off some of the junk I've been eating lately lol... too many good horror movies on TV lately and I love my snacks with a good movie ;)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Not much Shakin

Not too much new to report, I've been out bike riding once this week, running almost every morning lol weather permitting that is ;) haven't snaped any new pix though, sorry... I just have not seen anything that jumped out at me that said "Photo op" ;)

I've been uploading designs to my online shops
Spent the weekend watching the Friday the 13th movies.

Spent a little time working on my Ray Gun for my Halloween costume that I probably won't go anywhere with :(

I've been out to one of my favorite pubs "Burbon St. Pool Hall" a few times for a delicious Buger & Fries and a Fort Gary Pale Ale to wash it all down with :P

I'll probably go see a movie this week, lol not sure what playing that's worth seeing though, I'll have to checkout to see.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Because of the Rain

I went out for an extra long run today down my Fort Gibralter route because yesterday it was raining all day and I was on my butt in front of the computer working on a new design for my online products sites like Cafe Press, Printfection and Zazzle, so I figured I needed the extra long run today to make up for not going out yesterday.
I didn't eat properly yesterday either so I sure felt the impact of that on top of an extra long run, by the time I was about half way there I started to feel a little drained of energy. It's true what they say about a proper diet & exercise, if you've ever done that, gone out for a really long walk or run the day after eating nothing but crap all day before you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. But I managed to push myself through the whole route. I think after lunch I'll take a walk to the Forks... Hmmm or better still take a lunch with me and eat it down at the Forks Boat Dock... now there is a simply smashing idea ;)